April 2011 Blog Posts (5)

Mentors! with Steve Anderson

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is no such thing as a “self-made” man or woman. We are all the product of the people we have met, the books we have read, and the mentors from whom we have learned.Sharing what we have learned with others is one of the responsibilities of the learned. Once you possess, it is in the giving away that you gain even…


Added by CROWN COUNCIL on April 23, 2011 at 1:42pm — 1 Comment

Our Vision

Our Practice Vision


We exceed expectations in an environment that leaves everyone smiling…


Added by Lata Stefano on April 15, 2011 at 10:02am — No Comments

Radio interview to promote Smiles for Life

Here's another idea to promote Smiles for Life.  I set Dr. Michael Edwards of Optima Dental Group in Union, MO up with an interview on a local radio station to talk about our Smiles for LIfe whitening promotion.  We chose St. Louis Children's Hospital's Healthy Kids Express Dental Van to receive half of our donations.  The dental van is like a dentist's office on wheels that travels to underprivileged neighborhoods to treat children.  A full-time dentist and dental assistant treated… Continue

Added by Carol Scheer Dennigmann on April 12, 2011 at 11:20am — No Comments

Would you be willing to "Act Like A Rookie?" Drs. Joanne and Greg Szalai and Team in Allen Park, Michigan can tell you how....

Drs. Joanne and Greg Szalai along with their team have taken things back to the basics...and are acting like Rookies again.  This enthusiastic team greeted me with so much energy yesterday morning, sharing all the successes they have experienced since we last met, specifically getting back to the basics.  As a team they have peeled away some of the framing from the past and by doing so, discovered areas of opportunities that had been forgotten in the practice---one area as basic as offering…


Added by Christina Toconis on April 6, 2011 at 12:37pm — 1 Comment

Recall Reactivation


     Just wondering if any of you have used WEAVE for your recall reactivation. Looking into different options so if you have some great ideas you would be willing to share, I would live to hear from you.

Bonnie Vitangeli

Added by Bonnie Vitangeli on April 5, 2011 at 5:16pm — No Comments

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